Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Has my judgement improved?

The question comes from a quote:
"Good judgment comes from experience
Experience comes from poor judgment"
Has be attributed to many different sources.  For me to attribute it to anyone would probably be wrong and perpetuate a wrong attribution.  I can accurately state, they are not my words and were originally coined by someone else.

In that spirit, what was my good judgment, what was my experience building choices?

Good Judgement: When you want to accomplish something, just do it.  
I was working on this plan for a number of years.  First with the schedule, getting the races I needed in a schedule that would work.  Eventually I created a schedule that worked.  Then the next year, some races changed their weekends.  Others ceased operation.  Some even changed their policies allowing wheelchairs.  So mathematics to the rescue, developing some theorems and procedures to make the scheduling more likely to succeed.

No sooner than I made the commitment to 2016 and registered for races, and then some new opportunities arose that would have made 2017 physically easier to achieve my goal.  WIth the changes races make over time, it is also possible that nothing better ever arrives, and in fact it could get harder over time. Bottom line: You can always wait for something better or do it now.  

Experience building department, just do it.
The first few races were brutal, travel was difficult.  I had never finished a race dead last, but during the race that I did (third state of the 51 total), I remember thinking over and over, what have I done? am I going to survive? should I just quit now?

After it is all over I learned that I committed myself to an adventure, I not only survived, but thrived, and I can persevere.

Tomorrow: Answering the questions I get if someone else can do this?

Monday, January 30, 2017

What I learned

I learned there are a lot of nice/helpful people out there.

There is a lot of stunningly scenic views throughout the country, often revealing the local geological history.

In a presidential election year, radio can be hard to listen to from February to November.

A lot of wheelchair accessible hotel rooms aren't.

Weather forecasts are best used for guidance and one should always hedge against other outcomes.

Driver's Ed has been replaced by GTA

A lot of drivers are either focused on their lap while using one hand on the steering wheel or they are texting/facebooking.  Either way, they are looking down way too long.

Drafting very close to car bumpers is the new driving style.  I remain firmly in the old fashioned 2 secs behind the car in front of me school of driving.

Tomorrow, Has my judgement improved?

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Best Business Name - "Wreck Amended" Descriptive and Sounds like it is vouched for. Used all over the country, the one I saw was in Fletcher, NC

Best Billboard - on I-75 S "Moonshine -- because no great story started with a salad"  

Tomorrow, What I learned

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Time for a recap

Now that it is over, I will try to reflect of the next few days about the all the states, travel, races, and people from the past year.

Tomorrow, humor.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Completed another marathon.  My first one with a broken leg.  Last of the states.  Completed a marathon in each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia in less than a year (with 5 days to spare).  I'll confess the original stated goal was to do all those marathons during 2016.  Technically I didn't do it.  The substitute goal is still a duration of only a year.

Judge as you will.  I am comfortable taking the victory lap.  In some ways, what I did was even harder than what I set out to do originally.  The pressure of finding a marathon and travel arrangements at the last minute was a logistical feat in itself.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

In Hawaii

Found another race.  Got a different flight.  Found a different hotel reservation.  Going to do a marathon with a broken leg.